Louise Adderley
Louise was born and raised in the Okanagan Valley. She has an undergraduate degree in Social Work and a graduate degree in counselling. She worked for 22 years as a medical social worker for Interior Health Authority, primarily in the community on a multi-disciplinary team of nurses, occupational & physio therapists and respiratory therapists. Louise served for 7 years on the Ethics Committee at Kelowna General Hospital. She was also a member of the Palliative Care Operations Committee for Central Okanagan for many years. For over 20 years she facilitated a weekly caregivers support group. Recently, Louise worked as a bereavement counsellor for Central Okanagan Hospice.
She had several patients over the years with ALS but in 2010 she was convinced by Gloria Taylor, a Westbank resident living with ALS, to re-start the ALS support group in Kelowna. Louise has assisted with the Caregivers Day in Kelowna and the Walks. Louise was presented with the Roy Slater Volunteer of the Year in 2014. Louise has served on the ALS Board for 5 years. She lives in Peachland with her husband. They have 2 sons and 5 grandchildren.