Complaints policy
ALS Canada’s goal is to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients, donors, supporters and volunteers. However, if we fail to meet their expectations, we want to ensure that we receive complaints so that we may deal with the situation as quickly as possible and put steps in place to prevent any recurrences.
ALS Canada takes complaints and concerns seriously and treats them as an opportunity to improve our organization.
The mandate of ALS Canada is to make it easy and convenient for the public to contact us with concerns and to respond in an appropriate and timely manner.
Methods of communication:
- Via Telephone: 1-800-267-4257. Our phone lines are open Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST/EDT). Outside of these hours, the caller may leave a message and a contact number and we will make every effort to return their call within the next business day.
- Via Email: [email protected]
- Via Mail:
ALS Canada
393 University Avenue, Suite 1701
Toronto, ON M5G 1E6
All complaints will be responded to within ten (10) business days. However, the complainant should receive an acknowledgment of their complaint within the first five (5) days of receipt.
ALS Canada aims to:
- Work diligently to resolve issues, correct errors and address concern.
- To always treat complainants with courtesy and respect, listen to what they say, keep them informed about progress in addressing the complaint, and finally provide them with a response.
From time to time ALS Canada may receive complaints that do not directly relate to a matter for which ALS Canada is responsible. As a charity with limited resources, we must be diligent and use these resources in the best way possible, and so there may be rare occasions when we choose not to respond to a complaint. These include:
- When a complaint is about something to which ALS Canada has no direct connection, we may choose to reply to clarify this; however, we are not obliged to do so.
- When someone unreasonably pursues a complaint to which ALS Canada has already responded, we may choose not to respond to the complaint again, but we will always inform them of that decision.
- When a complainant is being obviously abusive, prejudiced or offensive in any manner.
- When a complainant is harassing a staff member.
- When a complaint is illegible or unintelligible.
- When a complaint has clearly been sent to us and numerous other organizations, as part of a bulk mailing or email. In this instance, we would determine whether or not a reply is necessary.
- Although ALS Canada cannot respond to complaints made anonymously such complaints will be investigated and the information will be used to support improvements.
- In the case of all complaints and comments:
- a. the complaint will be forwarded to the Complaints Officer or his/her designate immediately upon receipt and the date received will be stamped on the correspondence; and
b. the Complaints Officer will advise the appropriate staff member within 24 hours of receipt of the complaint.
- Depending on the scope of the issue or associated risk outlined in the complaint (i.e. sexual harassment/fraudulent activity, etc.), the CEO will be advised.
- An acknowledgment to the complainant will be sent within five (5) business days.
- A formal response, if not covered in the acknowledgement, will be sent within ten (10) business days.
- Once annually, the CEO will report to the Board on the number, type and disposition of complaints received from clients, donors or prospective donors.